Based on the 6-year success story of informal educational and multilayered cultural events and projects, the LOFT Center has realized that the creation and development of "mentor" institute can become, if not the primary, then the most important platform for personnel policy in the professional field.
In the course of investigations and studies, we also found that the accomplished professional (hereinafter-the mentor) who is up for exchanging knowledge and experience is ready to communicate with the young person who is in the open field (hereinafter-the mentee) in need of this knowledge and experience, and having clear expectations.
The two main parties of the project "My Mentor " are the mentee and the mentor. The main function of the project is to combine the aforementioned two, which becomes visible due to the instruments and flexible functions of the project.
On the other hand, the mentor performs professional filtration process and is trusted in traditional social environment and family problems which can be unanswered or led extremely subjectively, in another sense, the mentor becomes the pillar, friend, leader of the young person, who, at any time transmits an example of his own experience and / or offers new solutions depending on the situation. The main indicator of the effectiveness of the goal is the action that arose as a result of the mentor-mentee relationship, which the mentee follows.
To create a link between both sides, the potential mentor and the potential mentee, we found it necessary to implement the project, the tools and criteria of which will be a mediation platform to create these relationships and the creation of the mentoring institute in Armenia, and building strong foundations.
The project "My Mentor" is aimed at promoting the formation of civil society, the positive development of individual thinking. The implementation of such a project in Armenia has not been carried out yet. Taking into account the classical (formal) forms and methods of education, as well as the initiatives of other cultural and educational centers that promote the mentality of modern Armenian youth, we suggest considering the use of a fairly effective alternative mentoring model in terms of influence.
Taking into account the potential of the youth of the Republic of Armenia, as well as coordinating and negotiating with representatives of various fields, highly qualified specialists and leaders, we have made sure that both the potential mentor and the mentee are ready to participate in the formation of the mentoring institute, contributing to our vision of healthy, gradual development.
During a year, the tools of the online platform of "My Mentor" project were developed, as well as a comprehensive concept of offline actions and events that contribute to the implementation of the project, thanks to which it will be possible to imagine how we will launch a program strategy of the mentor institute which is unprecedented in Armenia.