"My Mentor" application is the only space to create a future mentor-mentee connection, where the installed indicators and activities allow you to make choices and actions. The application has a simple toolkit and at the same time flexible content: the content of the created sections is completely aimed at ensuring the exact sequence of steps of the future mentee.
In order to have a personal account in "My Mentor" application, the potential mentee logs in to the main page of the application: the registration page. After filling in the field for the phone number, the user (the future mentee) receives a message with a six-character code. As a result of confirming the code, a field opens for filling in, where the user states data (first name, last name, date of birth, etc.), agreeing to the terms and conditions of the application.
After creating a personal account the user, while completing the account (for example, the name of the university that he/she graduated from or where he/she still studies), acquires a certain number of points (full). By choosing a Mentor, the future Mentee gets the opportunity to see whether his/her acquired knowledge and activities are enough to become the Mentor of that exact Mentor. The application algorithm captures the number of insufficient units and/or the mismatch. If the Mentee gets the opportunity to continue competing, the application defines the options as where and as a result of what will be possible to ensure the competition.